Sunday, January 25, 2015

Art by EJ.

When I was younger, I used to love drawing pictures of Scooby Doo and other cartoons. Then I moved on to stealing some of my mom's fabric paint and using them on canvas. I began experimenting with different mediums and art tools, but could never just use one. I had to use everything in sight; newspaper, sharpie, spray paint, etc. 

I have a passion for mixed media, and love sharing my work with my friends and family. I especially love creating pieces that express other's passions. 

Pictures here is one of my works called "Wings." My great friend Rob has expressed many of his passions to me, so I created this piece to capture a few things he loves.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Good Read.

Happy New Year! I'm a little late on the New Year status update, but they (whoever they are) always say better late than never. Of course, the first question I asked myself is "What is my New Year's resolution?"

Well I started my resolution to be more active on the first of November (yes, I am an overachiever.) I have been going religiously to hot yoga, and I absolutely love it (and recommend it.)

Another resolution of mine is to start reading more, which I started early as well. While I was in Jamaica soaking up the sun and eating jerk chicken everyday for lunch, I started an finished Lena Dunham's book, Not That Kind of Girl. What I love about her book is that she is fearless and honest about sex, love, family, work, etc. Lena Dunham does not hold back, and if you like her HBO show Girls then read her book.