Sunday, January 25, 2015

Art by EJ.

When I was younger, I used to love drawing pictures of Scooby Doo and other cartoons. Then I moved on to stealing some of my mom's fabric paint and using them on canvas. I began experimenting with different mediums and art tools, but could never just use one. I had to use everything in sight; newspaper, sharpie, spray paint, etc. 

I have a passion for mixed media, and love sharing my work with my friends and family. I especially love creating pieces that express other's passions. 

Pictures here is one of my works called "Wings." My great friend Rob has expressed many of his passions to me, so I created this piece to capture a few things he loves.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Good Read.

Happy New Year! I'm a little late on the New Year status update, but they (whoever they are) always say better late than never. Of course, the first question I asked myself is "What is my New Year's resolution?"

Well I started my resolution to be more active on the first of November (yes, I am an overachiever.) I have been going religiously to hot yoga, and I absolutely love it (and recommend it.)

Another resolution of mine is to start reading more, which I started early as well. While I was in Jamaica soaking up the sun and eating jerk chicken everyday for lunch, I started an finished Lena Dunham's book, Not That Kind of Girl. What I love about her book is that she is fearless and honest about sex, love, family, work, etc. Lena Dunham does not hold back, and if you like her HBO show Girls then read her book.

Sunday, December 28, 2014


For Christmas, my parents took my boyfriend Cam and me to Jamaica, and it  is an incredible place to travel to. The people are super laid back and easy to talk to, and there are so many awesome places to visit.

The first day we found ourselves at Dunn River Falls, and were guided by two men, Grizzly and DJ. We hiked the falls, got completely soaked, and created a human chain.

The next day, our group took a bus up to Zion to pay respect to the great Bob Marley. FYI...If you ever make it up there, they say if you drink the tea don't eat the cake, but if you eat the cake don't drink the tea.

We had the opportunity to Jamaican bobsled, zip line, and ride horses through the water. I would definitely suggest taking a trip to this wonderful place. There is so much to do and see.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Jam of the Day

I love love love listening to new music. It inspires me to be more artistic and gets my creative juices flowing. If you are in the mood to try out some new indie rock listen to Rubbing Alcohol. Their track "Travel Channels" is awesome, and their album cover is pretty freaking sweet too.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

EJ's Laundry

This week I am in Colorado Springs for a convention, and need to arrive in style. Casual professional can sometimes be hard to put together, but it doesn't have to be boring (or expensive). I bought a classic black blazer and white collared button down from Target, and paired them with jeans that I got on sale at Gap. I forgot my sunglasses at home so I picked up these beauties from Francesca's, and added a pop of color with red lip stain from Covergirl. 

Outfit Details: 
Blazer: Target
Collared Shirt: Target
Jeans: Gap
Gold ring and sunglasses: Francesca's

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

It Begins with the End.

Being 20-something is hard, and I didn't realize how difficult it would be. Throughout school there was always someone there giving you directions, telling you when assignments are due, and following up with you to help you plan for your future.  If you are still in school, enjoy it! Let those wonderful people into your life because before you know it you have to put on your big girl pants.

Now, I have to figure out how to be an adult. No one tells you when to do your laundry, how to register your car, or how to survive in a corporate environment. Don't get me wrong, it's great being able to decide how and when to do things on your time, but time flies! Life is moving so fast right now! How do you slow down?

Unfortunately, I lost my aunt recently.  She was only 47 years old, and she left us too soon. Her death made me realize that life can be cut short by the choices we make. We need to enjoy ourselves. We need to live. We need to love. We need to be happy. My aunt's death has slowed me down a bit, and has made me question what's really important to me. I have started asking myself what do I want to accomplish before I die.

I have a strong desire to travel. I want to have real, heartfelt conversations with strangers. I want to cook (well try to). I want to spend more time with my family. I want to marry the man of my dreams. I want to further my education. I want to buy myself that mint green Marc Jacobs purse that stares me in the face every time I walk through Nordstrom. There are so many things (big and small) on my bucket list, and one of them is to create a blog. I am not an amazing writer, or a professional photographer, but I would love to share my life's experience with the world. I love learning from others, and I hope you can learn a thing or two from me.