Sunday, December 28, 2014


For Christmas, my parents took my boyfriend Cam and me to Jamaica, and it  is an incredible place to travel to. The people are super laid back and easy to talk to, and there are so many awesome places to visit.

The first day we found ourselves at Dunn River Falls, and were guided by two men, Grizzly and DJ. We hiked the falls, got completely soaked, and created a human chain.

The next day, our group took a bus up to Zion to pay respect to the great Bob Marley. FYI...If you ever make it up there, they say if you drink the tea don't eat the cake, but if you eat the cake don't drink the tea.

We had the opportunity to Jamaican bobsled, zip line, and ride horses through the water. I would definitely suggest taking a trip to this wonderful place. There is so much to do and see.

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